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~ Increased Risk of Cancer in Infertile Women

Through a study conducted on more than 64.000 old woman 20 – 30 years of residence in the US found that infertility was associated with an increased risk of developing cancer. The increased risk of developing cancer is equal to 2%...

~ Obesity can Cause Many Other Diseases

Understanding and Causes of Obesity Obesity and overweight are chronic conditions resulting from the accumulation of fat in the body which is very high and beyond reasonable limits.. In adults, both men and women, used to classify body weight..

~ Safe is Herbal?

Is it safe to drink Jamu godok Every Day? for the people, herbs or ingredients in traditional medicines Indonesia is not really new. Potion of plants, animal material, The mineral material hereditary is used for treatment based on experience. One of...

~ Launcher herbal breast

Really Leaves katuk Make More Current ASI? Is your milk just out a bit so it makes you feel unable to meet the needs of infants? This is a common problem in nursing mothers. Some relatives around you may advise you to....

~ Diet proven effective

7 The benefits of Chinese teak tea for diet have been proven effective. Having a slim body and ideal weight is the dream of almost all women. However difficult it is put through diet actually create stress and increased appetite eventually gain weight. Snack temptation...

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